If you know that trick, you won’t be so afraid.
You sound like you’re having a bad day chordy, is everything OK?
Sure. Every day is a bad day to me. I don’t know the difference.
chordy, after the darkness comes the sunshine. cheer up please.
here in Michigan today the weather couldn’t be nicer.
I am so happy inside, just thought i’d share.
hope it is contagious chordy.
Don’t let my down time bother you.
You’re such a ‘bright light’, @PinCushion…
If you focus your energy more on positive things, I think you’d really start feeling better about yourself, and turn that ship around. Tap into that potential!
You sound like a doctor. If a doctor had the answers, he would have told me years ago - unless he was just stringing me along for money.
My psychiatrists all told me I’d make a good role model for youth with Sz.
But I’ve never felt totally comfortable fulfilling that duty. I still need to get a lot of my own affairs in order before I start guiding others. But I do chip in with advice from time to time where I feel it’s warranted.
Here chordy, you said you like this song.
I also said it was naughty - I was indulging in sin.
I hope he wasn’t just flattering you. Youth with sz have rejected themselves so they’d just not comprehend others, including other szs.
No. My docs wanted me to sit in on Therapy Groups of others with Sz. They thought I brought a mature perspective to the affliction, because I developed it at a later stage in life than most…age 39.
Chordy, you often write things similar to what I feel
I diagnosed myself after I was 40. I told my social worker “I think it’s sz.” and she agreed. But I had never been mature so I don’t know what a “mature perspective” would be. My parents did everything they could to keep me from growing up - so they could cling to me. They were dependent - destructive.