“People who live in glass houses should not throw potatoes”.
Poeple who live in potatoe houses should not make mashed potatoes or potatoe salad out of thier house.
If it gets to hot out they will be baked potatoes
*throws potato…
I took my potato for a walk today. She did real well, being such a young potato.
I wonder if the great potato wears clothes. Maybe even a little hat
So we cant eat llamas?
the greatest enemy of the potato-
The carnage must be awful in there.
(hashtag)potatolivesmatter if only i had an active twitter or facebook…
You cant put a hastag before your text it makes it all big as ■■■■
OW! You’re hurting my ears.
That’s better.
How did you do that?!
Ahh hastag space hastag if you do no space its slightly smaller…see hashtag hastag space hastage…
The great potato told me. I assume he told you too.
I salute your computer potato knowledge…
I am but a mere vessel. The great potato is the true keeper of knowledge.
You are the chosen one i will lay my life down for you oh chosen potato master.
But, we are all the chosen people of the great potato lord.
Lol @Sharp is like jesus and Hercules a half breed. Half human half potatogod our potato savior who must go on 4 quests and answer 3 riddles in the minitaurs maze while wearing a lion hat and turning an onion into a potato that will feed 10000 people on sunday your birthday.
If you are the potatossiah i wanna be in the fellowship of the potato and go on epic potato quests…