Having your own family - an achievable goal with SZ?

I really do get down about my diagnosis and the prospect of finding a partner and starting a family.

My social skills suck, and even if I did finally get on a date or a meet up, eventually I will have to say something about SZ.

The last few years I have tried a few times to date online, as this is the only way I can meet people as I am pretty isolated.

Don’t get me wrong here. I am not desperate for a family, but it’s something I want to have one day.

Maybe I am destined to be single.

Apart from some hook ups, I have failed

Honestly. I couldn’t really have decent relationships with women till I got on the meds. I had so much latent paranoia and stress that it was impossible. So yes. It’s possible totally. All’s I would say is you have to practice to get better at social things so dating isn’t so bad…you learn from your mistakes if your smart enough.

Big things with relationships are listening. You listen and learn about people. Remember things about them and they appreciate that. I’m not saying it’s easy to become a social animal overnite but put some steps into practice. One positive thing a day is my new mantra.

I am just no good at knowing what to say and conversations seem to go no where.

I know I am the problem, but it’s so hard to practise dating when I don’t go to bars and clubs, and the internet dating (Even if you pay) is very poor

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Most peoples favorite subject is themselves. What do they like? If you like reading what books do you like? Oh I read that one…I liked it. I thought it was pretty good. Hey do you know about Author B. I think you might like their works…Conversations should move and grow.

I know it’s not easy but trying and putting yourself out there really teaches you to learn quickly. You lose nothing from trying.

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I have decided not to have a family.

Thank god I was not intimate much growing up. I have no way to emotionally/financially support a child.

I did it all before I came down with sza. And it was a disaster. In 34 years I haven’t done it again. And never will.

Yes, I have schizophrenia, and yes I have five kids. It’s possible. I only recommend this if you have a proper support system, and are stable. I’ve had a few bumps on the road, but it has been okay.

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it’s not right to go into it wanting marriage and kids with just anyone.

my kid’s dad and I were passionately in love, took a risk,
and then pregnancy. I decided to go thru with it.

It was important to me too, to know I was conceived out of love, even though my parents divorced.

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I don’t want a family. I think it is achievable though but takes a lot of hard work and self care so that you feel able to care for a kid too.

I have all sorts of fears regarding family and so I’m better off as a person who has had psychosis to just avoid it all together.

Tbh even if I wasn’t ill
I would still not want a family

But it is possible for you

It’s possible. I have 6 kids, one from a previous long relationship and 5 with my husband. We’ve been married 20 years this December.

It wasn’t all easy and it still isn’t but with meds and therapy you can have a decent life

It is possible. I have Mr. Star, and we are adopting Starlet together through foster care. We are a very happy family.

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