Having Unusual Beliefs can relapse SZ?

I always have new unusual beliefs every time its something new.

Having Unusual Beliefs can relapse SZ ? Is it true ?

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No, it’s not true.

You can have some unusual beliefs without relapsing.

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Thanks ,

I raised this question because of this video

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You can still be delusional to a degree without being in the active phase of psychosis if that’s what you mean. I believed on some level that I was being haunted by demons for a decade until recently and I felt the shift and hopefully it reduces psychosis for me.


I have ongoing delusional thoughts but they aren’t much or a problem because I don’t engage with them. The SZs who play their delusions are usually the ones who are sick more often and seem to have the worst long-term outcomes from my own experience (have had pdocs tell me the same).


Delusions are the beginning of psychosis but it’s possible to have some or just residual beliefs from past episodes and be relatively ok. It’s a matter of degrees. I’d say at that point you’re sick either physically or psychologically and need therapy or meds but yea… It’s not full blown psychosis I guess.


My delusions always come up with something new also. Now they have some thing I can’t really talk about. But I know from experience I’m gonna get through it and over it and get it out of my head.


No, but in other words it is the cause of schizophrenia.

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Well, breakthrough symptoms are a thing. But I think one thing is that it becomes a problem when you entertain it.
Most people have intrusive, odd thoughts, but having schizophrenia can enhance this peculiar thinking to become reality.

Honestly, the best thing to do to delusional beliefs is to not entertain it. I know full well that it is easier said than done. I still struggle with delusions and paranoia even on medication, but still keep trying and you can say beat delusions and paranoia.

Entertaining is the worst thing for a schizophrenic to do, so my therapist always say to keep your mind busy and forget about the outside world.


Yeah, I totally get what you mean. Having unusual beliefs can sometimes feel like a mental rollercoaster, and for people with SZ, big shifts in thinking patterns might trigger stress or even relapse. It’s always good to keep track of those changes and see if they affect your well-being.

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