Having sz is not as bad as it seems

having sz is not the end of the world, we take meds and get by, better than no meds like some other countries,


You might have picked the wrong day to say that to me. :smile:


Meds dont work for me…right now im ok but its hard as ■■■■ some days…

lol, sorry :sweat_smile:

got to stay positive :slight_smile: keep your eye on the prize


I’m sorry to read meds don’t work for you.

I hope you don’t feel too helpless because of it.

I know you were going through a really tough patch not so long ago so I am happy to read that right now you are doing ok.

I hope it keeps up for you.

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Most meds don’t work for me. Took a long LONG time to find my groove.


Yea i should say so far the meds havent worked

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I haven’t been on meds. I’m only recently considering it because I’m exhausted and need some help. I have coped pretty well considering, but I’ll tell you the truth: it’s like getting attacked by dogs repeatedly throughout my life. I have mixed feelings, and I still think if one can manage without meds then that is preferable, but most can’t and that’s understandable. Sz is a spectrum disorder so there are variations and degrees.


got to stay positive bro and we’ll all pull through, hoping anyway, hope helps.

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Ya - FYI it’s a broad spectrum disease - it’s not the same for everyone - wise up

sorry i didn’t mean to offend anyone,

You didnt…its nice to know the meds help others gives me hope…


You offended me


How did he offend you? I don’t get it.

I don’t get it either. He seemed to be agreeing with you.

It’s worse…

People with sz suffer horribly. I lived in a long term care home for nine years and every sz person
there went through hell.

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can’t please everyone i guess.

To paraphrase Nietzsche - “One must have chaos within oneself to give birth to a dancing star.”


I think you have to visualise the star and learn how to dance as well :slight_smile:

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