Having doubt again about if I was psychotic or not

Thanks. What do I do after rationalizing?

You look if you can ”cross off” something like the x-1 terms in both numerator and denominator and then plug in the numbers


You were delusional if everyone around you says what you believe and think aren’t real. Your beliefs don’t make sense to anyone. I too have beliefs no one else agrees with so to be safe, I take my meds. You too need to take your meds. I’m sorry but you need to stop and accept this.

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How to accept it! Also there are no wrong beliefs

You thought your parents were trying to poison you. No one else agrees

Well it was just an intrusive thought

No it was a false belief. That’s a delusion

How are you capable of defining what’s a delusion and what’s not

There are definitely wrong beliefs. Believing grass is usually orange is false. Believing salt is a sweet food is false. Believing your parents are trying to poison you is false.

Ask your pdoc. I’m not a dr. But beliefs that are held no matter whether they makes sense or not and regardless of proof otherwise are delusions


Well it was just what I believed in back then…

Back a whole two weeks ago. It isn’t ancient history.

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You stopped believing it because you took your medication which means you need an AP because it works for you


I got my shot though according to @CoCo

You told us you got the shot

I did get it just saying it probably didnt get rid of the ”delusion”

Yes. Your shot is why you no longer believe that. You need to continue with it if you want to continue not having delusions.

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Explain cuz I was on my 1st shot 2 weeks ago??

You are a logical person. Use logic to look at your situation. You believed your parents were trying to poison you. Then you got injected with a medication that treats delusional beliefs. Then you stopped having delusional beliefs.


I was on the injection 2 weeks ago and if I believed in it 2 weeks ago it doesn’t make any sense?