Having an extremely difficult time coming off lexapro, pls help?

So basically, I was being prescribed latuda, a stimulant, and lexapro. The lexapro and stimulant began causing serotonin syndrome, and school had just begun so I had to stop the lexapro and continue the stimulant. Now I’m having hypomanic symptoms, depression, severe anxiety, insomnia, agitation, etc. I think from withdrawing from the lexapro. I’m taking more antipsychotic meds than I normally do and I still have these symptoms. My doctor isn’t very helpful and will probably try to prescribe me propranolol or something else that has little to no effect for the somewhat severe symptoms I’m experiencing.

Is there any medication or remedy
I can ask my doc for that can help me withdraw from lexapro, without going back on it?

Pls help 151515

A good doctor should understand and sympathize with all the horrible side effects we have to endure because of our med’s. Coming off some of these med’s is really hard. Maybe you could ask for some Klonopin, or some other benzo, to help you. It can take a while to get these med’s right. Have you tried Geodon? I’m on it myself. For some people Geodon is the perfect AP.

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Is geodon sedating? I’ve been begging my pdoc for months for literally anything to help me relax and she won’t prescribe anything. She pretty much told me to find a new doctor as I had begun tapering off the lexapro. I’m just confused why my current ap isn’t taking care of these psychotic/bipolar symptoms.

It’s not too sedating for me. I take it with Seroquel, which is sedating for some people, but not for me. I didn’t think the Seroquel was doing anything to me, until I didn’t get it for several days. Then I got kind of manic and nervous. Geodon did slow me down, physically. Heavy workouts are out of the question for me as long as I am on an antipsychotic. It’s a small loss to me. I’m nearly sixty years old. Geodon has never slowed me down mentally, though. I’m an aspiring writer, and Geodon gives me a pretty good head for writing. I don’t know if other people are sedated by Geodon. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone who was on Geodon say that, but you never know. I have heard a few other people say that Seroquel was very sedating for them. It made them sleep a lot. If you can afford a nutritional supplement, you might try L-Theanine. I’m taking it right now, and I’m sleeping better, and I hope it will solve some other problems for me.

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I may try seroquel or risperdal if it can be mixed with my other meds. I also have L theanine but just took my last capsule, those usually do put me to sleep though I should probably order more. Thank you for the help!