Having a little bonfire

Apparently my sister and fiance are invited, we are in a “red” travel ban county but it’s not my idea, my county is actually worst per capita corona wise in the state and I have been locked down for quite some time but apparently my parents aren’t as concerned as me.

Still the gathering is less than 10 people, I am just trying to switch topics of the forum up so people just don’t see corona this corona that all day long.

Anyway here is the fire I made:


Be careful and have fun!


I used to do bonfires in my country but I think its illegal here in Canada?

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The landscape looks like I’ve been there. I miss my connection with nature.

I’m sorry if this comes across as harsh but it needs to be said. Your parents should really know better @brandotron. They are being irresponsible and selfish. If everyone in the country continues to socialize, even in smaller groups, the number of COVID-19 cases will continue to increase.

Maybe your parents should spend some time watching the news footage of the tired nurses and doctors on the hospital frontlines. Is it really too much to ask everyday folks in the U.S. to practice social distancing and shelter in place in the comfort of their own homes, in order to hopefully flatten the curve and by doing so help the nurses and doctors and help keep the death toll down?

In New York state alone, in the last 24 hours, there have been 562 deaths. That is one death every 2.5 minutes. Just to put that into perspective, that means that if your parent’s gathering lasted just 1 hour, during that time, more that 20 people will have died of COVID-19 in just New York state.

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