Having a bit of paranoia about my neighbors in the dorm

So a while ago I posted how I was going to go on campus for my last year of college. Well it’s getting towards the end of the Fall semester and I can say wow things have been going well! It has been a huge challenge, with lots of ups and downs, but overall my academics and time here have been really awesome.

It’s a bit lonely, and I haven’t made many friends but I’m really happy to be on my own after 6 years and living my own life.

I’ve had a bit of paranoia lately of my dorm neighbors, the room next door. I feel like they can hear everything I do but the truth is the sound dampening is actually pretty good in these dorms. I’m just tired of worrying about what I’m doing all the time and constantly thinking about if they can hear me or not. Any practical advice to reduce my paranoia? I don’t want to take any extra klonopin, I really am sick of it. I usually have some music going in the background. I just don’t like when it’s dead quiet, that’s when I have the most paranoia.

Thank you


Get a white noise machine. You can get them pretty cheap on Amazon.

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I’ve actually been doing the same thing with a speaker. I usually have my fan on for noise but it’s cold now so I switched to white noise. That’s still a really good point though. I’ll get a dedicated one so I can still use my phone for other things.

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Cut out caffeine ?

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Oof that’s tough. I should reduce it though…


I have this fear with my next door neighbor since I live in a double. But he’s my landlord so it’s a little different… wish I had advice just saying I relate

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It makes me more paranoid. I actually quit it completely and just drink decaffeinated now.

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I hear you. Having a fan or white noise does seem to help. Just wish it would go away in general but maybe that’s expecting too much with sz.

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This is common with sz. Just ignore them and they’ll ignore you.

I had one issue with neighbors in my life, only one, and it was way before I got sick. We used to have some young adults living in the apartment below my granddads and they’d throw noisy parties all weekend. We complained until they got evicted.

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Thank you for the advice. I was trying to be friendly in passing with them but they never were friendly. I think that’s what really increased the paranoia, “oh they don’t like me” etc. When in reality we are just living in the dorms doing our own thing. I’m going to stop worrying about being friendly and ignore them as you suggest.

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