"Have you thought about your career?"

Why do people like to ask about where I’m going to be in the future? I can’t stand being asked about my career or what I’m going to do with my life. I’m in the middle of a quarter-life crisis and it’s so triggering. I feel like my brain is broken.

I think it is quite interesting to see what drives a person and what there interests are. I understand though if you are in a part of your life where that is just not possible. I have been there myself when I was younger.

Sz can be very debilitating. There’s no shame in feeling unable to think about your future. Take it easy on yourself, and try to ignore dumb questions.
Get your treatment sorted, it’s the first and most important step. Your brain is young and powerful, don’t doubt yourself. You will get better.

Hugs !


I don’t even want to think about it.

I just want a week of stability first.


Ya, need just 2 classes to transfer as a math major to a local university. Specifically, mechanics and EM. It’s going to be hard because of the abstract nature of upper division math courses. I need to practice and study calculus, linear algebra, physics, and real analysis again. Work on my proving skills even though I will have to retake these classes again once I transfer. I’m trying to keep costs down and not sure if I want to be a commuter or not. Then, I don’t know what I want to do for a living. I’m learning computer science and programming online. It helps. It’s interesting. Maybe I’ll work, maybe I’ll just get a menial job. I don’t want to be a teacher at all. I was thinking finance or programming or just some job that requires a BS in math. Any job really.

The math major is nice because I feel more comfortable and have a lot less classes to transfer with. Last, the EE, CE, and CS majors have classes that don’t transfer over or articulate. It sucks. I don’t even know what to do. I figured I’ll just do mathematics.

My track record for the past 9 years isn’t good, but I am more stable than ever with a high dose of Vraylar, Lamictal, Cymalta, and especially strattera. I want to go higher on Strattera. I don’t know if lumateperone is for me right now since Vraylar is working, despite my issue with weight gain.

I’m the type of person that just wants a degree. Not really interested or wanting to work for some company or someone else that will judge me for who I am and what I say. I rather do something by myself. I rather work for a super market than let’s say a big tech company like Google.

why didn’t you respond to me about Dadaism?

I feel the same, I always change subjects when asked about my career and future. I lie if they are not family because they can’t know if I am really working or not.

I retired at the age of 25, having worked a good 11 years with a lot of good jobs that helped me with my life.

Am I ashamed of myself ? Sure. But, I just know that it would be a struggle for me to hold down a steady job and provide for myself. It would just dawn new stress onto my life.

I would like to be a published author, maybe have my own blog, write a few songs, I dont know.

The possibilities are endless, I’m still learning everyday.

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I failed to see the relevance of Dadaism as it’s not the same thing as absurdism. Absurdism is a philosophy. Dadaism is an art movement.

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alright. if you say so.

the 20’s are a difficult adjustment to life, things get easier as you exit those years


i will be professional swimmer

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