- Heck yes!!!
- No, not yet
0 voters
0 voters
I got mine the first day I was eligible.
Really simple actually. Just show up at Walmart and they take care of the rest
Not yet.
Might go get one soon, I get this nasty cough sometimes from lowering my nicotine strength and I dont wanna catch anything.
No. Not yet. I’m not an anti-vaxxer but still not in a hurry.
I’ve had 2 doses of Pfizer but I’m increasingly worried about the delta variant.
It is my understanding that:
If you be had the 2 shots you won’t die if you contract covid. Almost nobody who has had both shots dies.
If the vaccine fails it will still make your covid symotoms less severe should you contract it.
same here I think the Pfizer has a 65% effectiveness against delta thats still not good enough cases rising people have started putting their masks back on.
I have noticed more people getting coughs and fevers and I was around some people but didnt catch it. almost certain that person had it but got better fast. it’ll be ok we will get through this.
right each time I might have been in contact with someone unvaccinated it increased the risk, and too much at once would overload the system rendering vaccine less effective. I have come to that conclusion that its the people exposure that has given me mild symptoms like it–because the alpha or covid is i mean all the unvaccinated people pretty much everyone has it now…some are immune to it, and now delta means the virus evolved. thats not good science needs to race against this for real its time to take this more seriously and everyone who can and is not at risk for a severe reaction should be vaccinated imo. It builds up immunity to those who haven’t been exposed, and to those who have it increases the immunity…
OMG i Mean think about it. A completely unexposed unvaccinated person comes into contact with someone who could have both alpha and delta virus and is asymptomatic and the other person we dont know how they will react or has a weaker immune system, the virus mutates—than you have an even stronger virus because the two viruses alpha and delta merged and now what…we have a serious serious killer virus and what then, next vaccine we dont have time for that.
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