Have you ever wanted to bite someone?

My pdoc suggested that teeth can be very aggressive. I think he was afraid of a fight. I was too weak to fight.


I think itā€™s called the Tyson-syndrome. Jk :relaxed:


When I was in elementary school I bit a guyā€™s hand to force him to let me go. He had me in a headlock and was trying to give me a swirly. It was the only legitimate way to get free but the fact that I used my teeth really made the school staff mad so we both got equal punishment, suspension for a few days.


Iā€™m gonna be a biter when they put me in the nursing home


@bobbilly please edit your post. Remove the r word and use disabled, ok?

I only said what they were called back in the day.

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Iā€™m not a biter, but I met one once. I picked up a girl at a bar once, and we went back to my hotel room to fool around, and she kept biting my lower lip. I didnā€™t like it.

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I was planning on smacking people with my cane.


Itā€™s not acceptable language now.

Back in the day (before 1980s) in the intellectual disability hospitals in the U.K. they used to surgically take all a persons teeth out for biting.

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I do that now. I canā€™t find my cane, come to think of it.


Thank you @bobbilly

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Sorry to be a pain.

You can borrow mine. I have a groovy purple one from when I tore ligaments in my ankle over an old ankle break.

I think I should know better @anon4362788 as Iā€™m diagnosed with a intellectual disability.

They are trying to set me up in a fight, and they are refusing to give me my inhalers so I will be very short winded if we do fight. I have COPD. That makes me mad.

@shutterbug knows a lot about biting. Just ask them.


The way they keep playing with language in 20 years theyā€™ll be lecturing us on how ā€˜disabledā€™ is a bad word.

I think it is ā€œpeople with disabilitiesā€ now. Emphasizing the person first and the disability last.

From the Government of Canada websiteā€¦


This booklet seeks to promote a fair and accurate portrayal of people with disabilities. It recommends current and appropriate terminology to help you reach this goal.


You canā€™t use person now, itā€™s ā€œsentient beingā€ :alien:

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I wanted to bite my dog. Well, he started itā€¦