Have you ever tenderized a cheap cut of beef with baking soda?

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Yea I think we’re both right lol. Diet coke has the strongest effect but it also works with other sodas according to scientist Dr. Google.

** “While Diet Coke and Mentos are the most common way to make a soda geyser, they are not the only options. Many consider Diet Coke to be the optimal option, and it’s been studied and confirmed as having the strongest effect. However, any carbonated beverage will work.” **

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I’d like to see if it’s possible with beer :joy::joy::joy: that’s one way to shotgun a bud.

Good way to take an eye out too!


Tried it.

100% did not work,


Rendered the steak so salty it was inedible.

Total fail.


The poor cow died for a failed experiment. I put cheap meat in stews and cook the mickey out of it.

I said it was inedible, but for real,

My husband and I ate most of the steak before the salt became too much.

But it was crazzzy salty.

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Really the only thing that works well is with my pressure cooker. I think it’s a great investment. It even cooks frozen meat really well.

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