Have you ever cried whilst talking to your psychiatric nurse or psych doctor? Or therapist?

What is the story behind it?

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I cried on my phone meeting to my nurse today.

I just felt so confused and upset about how to form healthy relationships

I’m thinking I can get there but today I was just a bit overwhelmed on the phone.

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No I have not, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with it. :bird::bird::bird:

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I’m sorry @Zoe but it’s sometimes cathartic to cry and let it all out.

I cried when I saw this therapist who performed psychoanalysis.

Psychoanalysis can be dangerous for people suffering with psychosis.

I spilled my guts to her about my life including my childhood and then recent divorce.


@Wave @GrayBear

I think crying is very good to do.

When I said this (above)

I meant get there to forming more healthy relationships


Yea, I can imagine. I mean even mindfulness is not advised for people with trauma.

So I bet psychoanalysis it’s even stronger.

I hope it helped you in the long run, Wave

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I have cried a few times… especially when talking about my childhood and my parents…


I only saw her once.
I never returned.

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Sorry to hear that @Wave, @LunaNoir

I’m sure you are in a better place now than back then :slight_smile:


No. APs took my ability to really cry. I might get 1 or 2 tears now.


I quite surprised myself when I cried on the phone. It was sort of a pleasant surprise because then the nurse knows I’m really struggling

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I’ve cried lots of time in therapy before in the past. I use to be really emotional. I don’t see it happening these days. But I think it lets a lot of stress out to have a good cry.

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Yea. Especially if in front of another person, who you trust or who cares about you.

Because then they can be there to acknowledge your struggle in a compassionate way

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I remember,… When I cried to my therapist because the medication had impeded me from being able to be normal around my brother. I was unable to play around together, instead I was in my room :’(

I cried several times. My therapist gave me a tissue and told me it’s okay.

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Why do you not see it happening these days?

I’ve cried talking to my psychiatrist, but much more so with my therapist. The therapy sessions that I’ve cried have been my most helpful sessions.

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Yeah, when she said she wouldn’t sleep with me, I had my heart set on it.

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I cried in my meeting with the psychiatrist an£ nurse because the doctor refused to do anything with my medication

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I cry sometimes when talking about my step dad that passed away…not in a long time…I am close with my pdoc.

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