1515151515151515515 115151515 I haven’t b33n to the beach
Yes, I hate it. I’m a city person.
I’ve been to the beach several times. To me it’s beautiful. Seeing the water stretch into the horizon. There’s a place not far from here called Sunset Cliffs. It has a great view during the sunset. I recommend going to the beach at least once in your lifetime.
Don’t get me wrong. I think beaches are beautiful. But the beaches where I live are crowded with people in the summertime. There’s music coming from all over. Children are screaming, and mother’s screaming to their children. If I could be alone at the beach then I’d enjoy it.
I’m not really a beach person, but I’ve been to Wasaga beach here in Ontario, Canada a bunch of times. It’s the longest fresh water beach in the world. My friend had a cottage there and we partied one summer for a few days in high school.
As an adult, I agree with @Speedy. As a kid I thought it was amazing, but we would go first week of September right before school and most of the tourists had already left. I still love the smell of the ocean.
The beaches in Homer, Alaska are very unexciting. The beaches on the east coast of Florida was fun to visit once. I was only nine and I was having a good time until something pinched or bit me when I was in the water. The beaches of Lake Superior and Lake Michigan are quite nice. The beaches on my local lakes are just icky. Fresh water snails up the butt at the lake at our city park. Gross!
I love the beach! My dad used to own a large property in Nova Scotia, Canada, that was right next to the beach. So, he owned part of the beach.
Nova Scotia has the largest tides in the entire world! By that, I mean that the water comes and swallows the whole beach, and then several hours later, the water has receded what seems like 2 miles out! So, when the tide is low, there’s a massive beach to explore!
I miss Nova Scotia. Hubby and I want to go back to that specific beach, someday. My dad sold that property, but we could still access the public side of the beach, which is a couple miles down from the property he used to own.
Yes, and I absolutely love it. Especially Florida.
Going to the beach next week PCB baby!
Sure. I loved it. It’s been years since I’ve gone though. Me and my friends were called “beach bums” by other people who knew us. We used to go to the beach every chance we got when we were younger. When we were young, like in 6-9 grade we would go to Santa Cruz beach & boardwalk. We would lay on our towels on the beach and work on our tans and go swimming then hit the boardwalk and go in all the arcades or walk down and play the games and win little prizes. We would spend the whole day there.
As we got older we found a beach up north in Aptos we liked better. It was a lot less crowded but the crowds never bothered us anyways. What we liked about this beach was the swimming. The beach had huge waves and you could go way out in the water and still touch the ground. We were expert body surfers; we could ride a huge wave from way out in the water all the way to the shore.
So two or three days a week during summer we would get up early to beat the traffic and my older friend had his license when he was 16 and I was 15 and another friend would go and we would ride over the hill to the beach. We were so used to the whole trip that we didn’t even bring shoes. We just wore our cut-offs and a t-shirt and brought a towel and a bag lunch and a frisbee and a football (and of course beer and pot) and drove over and got there at 8:00 am and stayed until 6:00 or 7:00pm. It never got old. Every time we went we had a good time. And that night I was so tired from swimming and throwing around the football and the frisbee all day and the beer and pot and I always slept great those nights.
Did they have the really tall wooden roller coaster back then? It creaks so much.
Yes, the Giant Dipper. The oldest roller coaster in the U.S.
I’ve been to lots of beaches. They can be so beautiful
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