Have you ever been an immigrant?

I was an immigrant in the USA and then moved back. There is one book ‘Asfalttikukka’, ‘Asphalt flower’ that tells about experiences of one immigrant who moved back from Sweden. Have you ever been an immigrant?


İ have been immigrant in australia.i got permanent residency at there but after i got relapse i have to go back to my country.

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Yes and no. I had to immigrate to my birth country. I have two nationalities. I feel not home in Australia or Germany. I have loved people in both countries but I made my mind up for Australia simply cause the weather is nicer and in my financial situation I have a better life here. The language is the hardest, my thick German accent says I am not from Australia. I compared my situation with others on YouTube in Germany. But these days with the virus it’s very unlikely I will ever live in Germany again.

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