Have you ever been able to look for a different job while currently working

lots of people are unhappy with their jobs or their pay. but i can’t ever look for work while im currently working. im always so drained after a day of work, i don’t want to do anything after work. i always quit my job and then look for another job while im unemployed. never once, have i lined up a better job and put in my 2 weeks notice with a current employer. i don’t know why, i can’t do it.

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I’m the same way.

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I do it all the time. I check indeed every day and apply several times a day. I can’t find anything local that pays more than what I make now but I don’t enjoy what I am doing.

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Nope, I could never do that. I usually took most of my jobs to the bitter end and got fired or walked out on the spur of the moment. Then looked for a new job in a week or a month.

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