I’m not sure
I like to think I did
I’m not sure
I like to think I did
Of course man. I saw an ad today that said “family is medicine”. Advice is helpful but I think friendship is even more imporant and you’re a valued member of the community like everyone. Friendship is also medicine
I was just wondering what I bring to the table I guess
Humility, positivity for one bro
Cool …I was told I was meek before…Is that similar to humility?
I’m off to google
Yea I think so it’s true bro
Excellant I’m also working on other departments of my life,
Yea some of your quotes are really thoughtful.
And I always remember you saying a few supportive things to me.
You’re part of this community - so yeah, keep going and be yourself!
When I help others I am helping myself
We are all teachers in a sense
Yes humility is about being able to learn from anyone and anything.
Same to you joker, cheers mate
I heard we have other undiscovered areas of the mind we can tap into
It could be true IDk yet
I really don’t know about that…
But I think what I might do know is that the more we learn, the stronger nerve pathways could become. The more pathways could maybe form. And as old habits die, those pathways may start to disappear, it is maybe like this, and maybe cool
will you be my psychairist ?
Haha, never, I am dumb as it can get, nearly…
maybe we can nurse each-other back to health
Yea I think that is what we all are here for, for moral support, right :))
you’re a cool guy pedro
Yes moral surport and a plane to the finest beech in the world