Stepdaughter is having family round her place on Christmas eve. It would’ve been,including me, 5 adults & 2 children. I’ve opted not to go in light of the Covid situation.
Will go for Christmas dinner at my oldest Granddaughter’s there will be 4 of us including the baby.
Have to stick to the rules @firemonkey
This is really serious, and these restrictions are going to get much tougher if things go to pot over christmas
I live in Sussex, and we’re now cornered by tier 4 London, Portsmouth, Kent and fringes of East Sussex.
Our hospitals are only modest in this county, and I doubt very much whether they’re capable of sustaining many patients at all, as they struggle at the best of times - especially at winter.
We’re seriously ■■■■■■ now.
This was allowed to happen when the government put the northern cities in a tougher lockdown even though London was just as bad. This situation is the result of politics.
Same issue over here across the pond. The health care system in Alberta, Canada is in the early stages of crashing. I saw on Twitter this morning from a nurse in a children’s ICU that they’re doubling up kids in the ICU to make space for adult patients there as well. Parents can no longer stay with their critically ill children.
Doctors and nurses are BEGGING people to stay home this Christmas and not make it worse.
Be safe @shutterbug . It’s not looking like this is going to go well at all.
I am not surprised in the slightest. They’re the ones who are also victims of this pandemic.
Honestly, never known anything like it.
Oh, I’m chillin’ like a villain. I’m work-from-home and now so is my wife. The kid does school from home, or was before semester break. The only real exposure I was looking at was in-laws for Xmas and that’s not a concern now.
Im doing a distanced walk with my parents on wednesday but no christmas with them as we don’t live in the same household.
Im at my girlfriends for the holidays as shes my +1 in my bubble.
My Sisters an RN at Worthing Hospital - and she says its absolutly heaving over there. i think the wait time in ER was 8 hours she said.
They have cancelled a shedload of leave for the staff. I dont envy her one bit.
These selfish b******* really ******* annoy me.
I just saw this on TV.
People can be so stupid. I don’t know what they were thinking.
This is just going to make things much worse in other communities.
It’s terrible. I don’t know how we’re going to cope. There is no Nightingale hospital around here to help us.
Yes! There were plenty of people saying this at the time too. Our government doesn’t listen to the science at all. And Im so sick of Johnson saying he does.
It all went totally pear shaped when Cummings got away with his trip to Barnard castle.
Yeah they annoy me intensely too. Fine the buggers.
Yes. From my perspective it seems so obvious that fining them was the correct thing to do.
A) It isn’t actually much money for Cummings in relative terms
B) It accepts responsibility for breaking the rules
C) It demonstrates what will happen when someone breaks the rules
Instead they promote the message of “we the state are immune to the rules (of the state)”. TBH I don’t see why the public should pay their fines if Cummings didn’t. Of course I do think people should obey the rules as much as possible, but why is it okay to enforce fines for breaking the rules on some but not others?
The double standard over rules. Contracts going to chums regardless of whether they’re the best people for the job…The test trace and test fiasco, etc etc etc
I don’t know if it was true or not, but I heard they spent 12 billion on this?
Surely a teenager in a parents basement could have developed a better app
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