Have any one of u tried Yokukansan for schizophrenia

Thank you for your searches @far_cry0! You found 2 herbal medicines with promising anti-psychotic effects. I will definitely try these!

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@naturallycured do u know any website from where I can buy Chinese traditional medicine…??

This is Wendan Decoction. 1 bottle lasts 2-3 weeks.

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Okay that’s where we can order athentic traditional medicine right @naturallycured …!!

thanks bro. Once I get my money from my sister…

I will buy it…

If anyone taking it please share ur experience…

And update…

He was diagnosed with schizophrenia simplex. He is just guessing about his father.

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Do you have a doctor? Can you ask them about it?

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Far_cry0 has convinced himself that he has schizophrenia.
Nobody can change his mind now.

@far_cry0 are you going to volunteer?

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@Sardonic thanks bro … yes my psychosis is under control but due to cognitive issues niether can I study nor I can take technical tranning …

I have been attending bachelors exams for 8 years … I can’t even remember a paragraph from my course book… my scores are not more then 10 out of 100…

@Andrey don’t doubt on me man… if it was a case of depression I would have been working by now… I have seen 3 therapist by now I tried cbt and other too. Non of my symptoms has improved so far…!!!

@Sardonic are u new …?? or u ve changed ur profile name… …

I ask u cause u seem very sensitive ,under standing and caring …

if u want to join me on social sites… msg me.

I use these site… and I never post about my mental illness there …

I use it to talk with my fellow from this site…

We talk about medication therapy our aims and lot…

Take care guys…

I was TheCircleOfFifths before. I must say that you sound more organized than you did in many of your older posts. I don’t really use any social media, but I’m planning using some sites in the future like Instagram and Bumble. I’ll message you when I finally get around to joining.

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I will try Yokukansan and Wendan Decoction if my regimen of headache reduction supplements, low dose antipsychotics, Amyloban 3399 and Niacin fails to shut the voices off 100%. I’m not happy with 99%, I need pure silence in my head.

My Amyloban is coming within the next two weeks, so I’ll try it out for a week after getting it, and if my voices don’t shut off, I’ll try those herbs.

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@naturallycured bro… I am just sharing this information … plz google it…

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I only get excited about herbal remedies when there are studies that show it works. If it’s some kind of homeopathic remedy that just claims efficacy without proof I ignore it.

Doesn’t seem to be enough human data on the Terminalia Ivorensis, I probably won’t try it. Only if I’m desperate.

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@naturallycured that’s true indeed…

Its just a information I find in the internet…

Yes we need scientific backing as well…

I am soon going to private massage u @naturallycured… be ready …

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psychiatry is no difference with chinese herb medicine in sciencitic way, imo , i dun see psychiatry as a science

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@schizophrenick do u mean chinese herb doesn’t work…!!

I can’t say it until I use it…!!!

I don’t want to die like this…

no i think they work, i tried them before, but antipsychotic are the major treatment

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Yes I know … antipsychotic are main line medication… I am soon going to use add on…

Antipsychotic plus alternative medicine…

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@naturallycured @san_pedro @Andrey

I’m going to try out a super antioxidant, Skq1, that is effective enough to reverse cataracts even. It should supercharge the healing of my brain injury.

Costs $300 USD for an 8.85 year supply. Sadly, that’s the min order, 10 grams worth. 130 mg is enough for 6 weeks, it’s that potent.

If it works, I will definitely report it.

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