Hate having this

While meds are working audio and visual hallucinations have stopped * for now* my thoughts still race, I find it hard to be in the moment. During the day I stay busy but I’m finding even that hard as I’m barely making it through the long nights with constant thoughts and fear.

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What you mean by nights of thought and fears.
Is it like racing thoughts, or you just started the meds a while ago?

I have been on meds for a year. I just keep having like PTSD from the whole psychotic break. I thought demons were after me, I know it’s irrational but at the time it was very real.

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It can last some time more then year, at least for me…
I am on meds for 22 years and it still happens, depending on specific med,having on occupation and quality of life in general…

Having voices answer your every thought and know all your secrets has permanently freaked me out so bad I try not to think and that’s hard.

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Stay here in community, and day by day…
Schizophrenia is bad disease… :neutral_face:

Thanks, I appreciate it.

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