Has anyone tried to stop taking the meds? What was the outcome?

I think practically all of us try to go off the meds sooner or later and most of us don’t end up with a happy result. Drugs only work for so long before they need to be taken again. They deal with the problem but they don’t change the structure of your brain that causes it.

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i have either stopped on my own or ran out and doctor wouldn’t refill. i hate being without my pills down to the slightest change in my meds and i can not function at 100%

I don’t believe the meds themselves directly cause diabetes or heart disease. I could be wrong. I think ( but I’m not sure) that meds indirectly cause these health problems. The meds cause people to overeat but it is possible to lose weight on meds. I think the lifestyle of people with schizophrenia is what causes major health problems. Lots of us are sedentary and get little exercise and we often have bad sleeping patterns and we don’t eat right. People with schizophrenia have a higher chance of becoming drug abusers or alcoholics and most people with schizophrenia smoke. Technically, these things are under our control and we can change or stop these behaviors. But in practice they are extremely difficult to combat.

been off them for about 10 days, doing fine. main thing is that I sleep and eat, if I don’t sleep that’s when i get troubles. Melatonin for the win.

i tried stopping all at once 18 years ago and i had the biggest psycotic break of my life.

i may die younger but at least im mentally healthy mostly

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im crazy without my meds, been off for a couple years, also been a recovering addict for 2 years no drugs. Im living in myown personal hell at the moment. its tough but self acceptance is key. if i hadnt learned the things i had learned now and didnt recieve ssi, i wouldve have maybe ended my life 50/50. but i can take it, who knows, i might get back on meds but maybe i can be smart enough to ride out the storm and not react crazy or whatever. ■■■■ all i can tell you is im not taking meds right now, but the way my ■■■■■■ up mind percieves things is not for the faint of heart.

I lost my meds. Actually after I stopped taking them I eventually stopped going to work. I didn’t like how tired it made me feel

My meds make me feel tired, i thought that people who don’t take meds do not feel as tired i do

Doing a work shift while off the meds. Co-workers wondering why I’m moving like this. I couldn’t shake that tired feeling. It was even a feeling of spiked cortisol. Everyday after was easybecause I stopped taking it. But it made work easier,the longest job I have ever held