Has anyone ever called you a whore, ho, or slut?

Today at the local mall today and had some girls yell whore and ■■■■ to me when I was outside today. I’m thinking maybe they can hear and see my intrusive thoughts, What if they saw my innermost thoughts. They were so insensitive and rude. But I tried not to let them get me down. I felt so sad because of them at first, because I got harassed a lot in my past. But they were so stupid and juvenile. They have to resort to that type of behavior to make themselves feel better.

They have to resort to that type of behavior to make themselves feel better.

That’s the only reason they did it.

This sort of thing is very hurtful. People who do this are perpetuating abuse.

No one has ever called me any of those that I’ve noticed.

but, there is a girl in my town that looks like me, even drives the same color/make/model of car as me, but is not the same as me, I can tell by the type of people that mistake me for her that she must be quite the cheesebag.

It’s kind of embarrassing to have people approach me wondering why I’m so rude because I don’t recognize them, say hi to them, accept a ride with them, or the worst,
the cops would say not so nice things about me on the scanner (I used to listen to it 24/7), not realizing I wasn’t her.
I’ve never met her, and really don’t want to either.

my GF has this issue, a girl in the college where she is a student sells drugs and such, sleeps around, steals from people, and looks just like my GF, the only way to tell them apart if you don’t know them well is by the tattoo the other girl has on her upper thigh, which is usually covered by her shorts…

My GF was arrested a few weeks ago because this girl (who knows about the situation) got into a car accident, and used my GFs name and birthday claiming she forgot her license.

if you are wondering how she got my GFs name and such, she probably found it on FB or the college’s Honor Soceity website.