Has anyone else thought they were a prophet?

I developed the delusion that I was a prophet largely based on the music that I listen to, as well as thinking I had some special relationship to God growing up. I later would think I was a false prophet and thought I was in hell. I think vague feelings of being special when I was young turned into delusions during psychosis as an adult.


I had a delusion I was Johan in 2000 while psychotic

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I had a long time delusion of being a descendant of the sun god RA.

I thought I had special powers like changing the weather and talking to the dead.

I was one sick puppy.


I told the cops that I am Jesus and that they should make me king of the world.


I’ve Believed that I was a psychic.


I had a hallucination of the devil while I was psychotic in 2000

The voices scared the hell out of me

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I struggle with believing I gave birth to a prophet.

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I’ve believed that as well, I remember having conversations with other people I thought were psychics in my mind. Thinking you have lost mental privacy is terrifying.

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Yes, I believed that I was a prophet or a combination of old prophets.


I think some of us are very special imo


I have lost the feeling that I am special or important at all. I feel like I’ve reached some sort of mental oblivion. I had voice mockingly tell me I was “nothing” the other day.

I also thought I could control the rain once.

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Yes I thought I was a prophet. Working in retail.

People were coming to shop here to witness my presence as a prophet.

As the angel had told them.


amazing things we went through in fairness

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Do you want to keep your delusion?

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I went through a short phase where I thought I was a prophet. But it didn’t last long

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i thought the crisis team were kneeling before me and my bf asking me to be the mother of the second coming of Christ

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St.Pedro of sz.com


In a way, I want some of it back—life feels meaningless. I wish I had some feeling of having a role in life. I have become increasingly nihilistic since psychosis.

Nihilism is the ultimate truth but it’s false : ✓

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