Has anyone changed due to Ancestry .com’s DNA results?

Folklore in my fam for a LONG time was we had Native American in us. Heck we even lost friends due to Native American talk once.

Turns out we have no lineage there.

Did anyone else change after learning about their family past? Like attitudes or worldview, etc?

No interest in surrendering my DNA to a third party or the government. They’ll need to lawfully subpoena it if they want it.


Shoot. You may have a point that resonates with me. My mom loves geneology and my dad too came around to it and they enjoy this hobby together.

Still as an individual I may be in your camp lolol.

The main thing I got from ancestry.com was my sister and I have the same father. My mom was having an affair when she got pregnant with me and wasn’t sure who my father was.

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Woah in your case I see the site helped a lot. I wasn’t even thinking of your scenario…! That’s nice and I’m sure maybe causes some bittersweetness that you had to wait for closure. Healthy to know in the long term still for sure I’d imagine.

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I had an ancestry dna test and a national Geographic DNA test because people have always lied about my heritage. My results were mostly what my family had told me, and my research showed. Except my grandmother has a lot of French ancestry and it showed up in research, but it was just covered by a broad category, possibly as northwest Europe or Tuscany, but I had 2% Northern Italian and no Italian names, going back quite a ways.

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The man mother was married to and is my father came down with schizophrena, and they got divorced. I never knew my father when I was a child.

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Ok. My folks are high school sweethearts. My stuff is of the nature that they team up on my sometimes to stay on an even keel and help their own bond.

Three is a crowd - at the very least.

I think I’m getting conviction to leave; but they also instill doubts in me about making it in the ‘life outside’.

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no. I think my father has though the first time he took it he dropped the swab in some cat hair. I just imagined the people in the lab going “this guys half house cat!” through research my dad found out that wer actually Swiss going back to the 14th century. they refused to fight in a war and had to leave the country. they came over from Holland in the early 18th century to Pennsylvania and started farming there. this is of course only part of my dads side of the family. his mothers side has a two volume book about their ancestry which we have. English they were. had a southern general in the Civil War who invented a tent and a stove that the army used but never profited from. I think he drank.

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