Has anybody ever experienced increased symptoms from cbd hemp flower?

i felt like i did last year but its hard to know for sure as it may have just been increased anxiety from over-consumption combined with being in the acute phase of a severe benzo withdrawal, i felt it helped me when i was having my worst days like when id get a wave of benzo withdrawal symptoms and cry and be irrationally suicidal or angry for no reason,

when i first started using it again it lightened my mood and relaxed me and almost made the benzo withdrawal symptoms feel nonexistant, but after smoking it excessively (multiple times a day for weeks in increasing amounts) i got an anxiety-like feeling, not full blown hallucinations or any delusions but i felt like my mindset shifted to a state that i felt like i was losing it, although i still appeared stable from an outside perspective

sometimes this would happen even without consuming it although it felt more intense when i smoked too much cbd flower which is what makes me think the benzo withdrawal had a part and maybe i couldnt handle the miniscule amounts of thc in it, i could barely even handle caffeine then but now i consume like 500 mg caffeine a day with no issues

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CBD flower made me neurotic because I obsessed about it and made it into a bigger deal than what it Is.

But now I’m kind of over the ‘guilt’ involved with using cannabis. So things just affect me differently.

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yes …Instead try pure CBD oil with no THC…

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