Hard time today

I’m having a very hard time today with concentration and very low mood. Nothing triggered it that I can tell. I have a very minor out-patient surgery coming up next week and have to go in to determine what anesthesia they will have to use since I have sleep apnea on Friday. But it’s minor, I don’t even have to stay over-night…I have a polyp on one my vocal cords, from the breathing tube I had in for about two weeks at the hospital, and they’re going to remove it with hopes it will help my strained voice. Could I just be worried about that in the back of my mind? Or am I just having a bad day? What can I do to help the concentration?

Part of me is saying play the sims because that tends to distract my mind from minor worries, but part of me doesn’t really want to play it either. I thought of watching some videos on you-tube then the voices are telling me if I can focus during the you-tube shows I should do other more productive things like work on my novel I’ve kind of put on the back-shelf since the whole hospital stent. Or I have a back-load of TV shows I should go through, but I’m not in the mood to watch them.

It’s stressing me out, on top of it I didn’t sleep well last night and all I want to do is lay in bed, but if I do 1) I wont sleep good again tonight, 2) my mom will tell me to get up if I’m in bed too long. This just sucks all around…It’s nothing new, I’m just having a very hard time coping with it today.

May I interest you in a new game?



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Im sorry to hear that your having a bad day. I hope it starts to get better for you. Maybe give urself a break and allow hrself to relax and remind yourself that there is plenty of time and after the surgery you can get to work on the next thing. Too many things on ur mind can be hard to cope with.


@minnii Interesting game!
@Serene, you’re right I think I’m worrying about too much, the voices aren’t making it easy today…trying to find a way to quiet them down so i don’t feel guilty if I don’t do anything real productive.


Yea just focus in on something thats what i usially do anf even if i do one small thing it can help me feel accomplished. Which helps the feelings that ive done nothing of use. I get those feelings all the time they drive me crazy. So i know how u feel but try to gibe utself a break and remind urself that your doing some hard things and that you deserve to relax.

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Another game you could try is Rune Scape. I used to play that a lot.

I would do something mid-level productive, like reading.


I hope you start to feel better soon.


Stay calm and do something relaxing and entertaining. I feel you, sohare1981.


If I didn’t get enough sleep I take a nap + set the alarm to wake me up. I usually feel refreshed.

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Thank you everyone. Today I’m feeling somewhat better, my concentration is low, but I don’t have the depression and the voices are there but they’re not as strong today I can pretty much ignore them.I don’t think I slept well the other night, I know I didn’t last night, I kept waking up like every two hours. but I did get some rest earlier this afternoon after lunch and I feel much better.

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thanks @Minnii, i’m lovin’ this game! It’s so much fun!

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