It will be again New Year’s Eve. I’ll just stay in my place and watch local fireworks. What are you going to do? It will be 2022 and I have no special resolutions. I’ll just try to live with my illnesses.
20 years ago I watched fireworks at the port of Miami where there were the great number of people. I lived in my auto with my black Minx cat. 10 years ago I was here in my place watching the local fireworks.
10 years ago was the beginning of my illness. My son was 15 and invited a few friends over to set fireworks off in our backyard (living in New Zealand at the time). We lived in a beautiful home on small acreage overlooking a valley and a snow covered mountain in winter time.
10 years later I am diagnosed Schizoaffective, almost homeless with not much to my name, other than a car that I hate to drive and a few pennies in the bank. I have not seen my son in years.
I choose not to celebrate Christmas or New Years anymore as it is just a reminder of my son, so no celebrating for me. I do wish everyone else a safe and happy new year though.
I have never been in New Zealand. Would like to visit one day, also Australia could sound great. I wish you will be able to see your son in the future. I know how it is to live in a car. After my divorce in America in 2000 I lived over two years in my auto, mostly in Miami but also elsewhere. I did have a storage locker where I kept my things such as a computer etc. and I did have a mailbox where I received my mails. It was an experience that I do not want to repeat. But life goes on.
Thank you mjseu I hope I get to one day see my son again too. He is 25 now and as the years pass by my hope tends to fade. New Zealand is beautiful, they say that a little bit of every country in the world can be found in New Zealand. If and when you get there, make sure to travel the South Island as it is the most spectacular.
I don’t know how you managed to live in your car for two years - that in itself deserves a medal of some kind, but so happy you managed to find safety and security in your current homeland.
I always admire your recollection of events, your memory is amazing. I have found that since my psychotic episodes my memory fails me a lot these days.
I was gonna be a misery guts and stay at home on my own - but im gonna spend it with my brother and stay at his. He bribed me with one of his currys lol.