Happy, Excited, Perfection?. :::POLL:::

(?)…Favorite Artist…(?)
  • Britney Spears?.
  • Miley Cyrus?.
  • Katy Perry?.

0 voters

Brittany spears is kind of a queen tbh

Brittany Spears seems really nice. Miley Cyrus always seemed to be a strong girl/woman but a little too strong. Seemed to be bossing around her dad which kind of irked me. Objectively, I see she’s cute but she turns me off. Just as well, right? I’m 59!

Katy Perry is more my age range, she ain’t an innocent kid. Physically? Wow! I like her, her personality seems fine except when I see her as a judge on these talent shows she seems to act awful important for a pop singer with just a few hits.

A little too much of a diva for a singer who’s songs probably will be forgotten soon. I can stand her easily though.

But yeah, Brittany Spears seems to be the nicest out of all of them which I like. She’s no pushover either.

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I agree that Britney Spears seems to be the nicest of the three.

The other two seem a touch “stuck up” and bossy.

Like they boss everyone about and talk down at them.
Just the impression I get.

I like all of their music.
All three of them have good music.
Not my favourite style of music but it’s good and I still like it.

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They all are trash

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Thanx 4 Da Vot3zZZ $0 F@r!.

Here’s A Shhecrete From Me To You Dear Reader.

During My Personal Life Held In The Arms Of Angels, It Went Like Thus.

Britney Spears—> ±—> Katy Perry—> ±—> Miley Cyrus = .(!!!)<>Many Others<>(!!!).


DJ Nosferatu Beat Beam (sleepoptimistic)
:dog: :snake: :dog:
:zzz: :dizzy: :zzz:

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