Happy Cakeday @Skims

Happy Cakeday @Skims


Happy cake day @Skims! :cake:

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Happy cake day @Skims!

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Cake ! :cake:

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@Skims, Happy Cakeday to ya!

I hope you’re doing well.

:penguin: :slight_smile:

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Happy Cake Day !!!

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Yay! Happy Cakeday!!!

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Happy cake day @Skims

what’s a cake day?

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@Skims Happy cakeday

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happy cake day @Skims :slight_smile:

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Happy Cakeday @Skims

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Happy Cake Day @Skims


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Happy cake day.

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Happy Cake Day @Skims. It’s your 6-year forum anniversary!

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Happy cake day @Skims!!!

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Happy Cake Day! :slight_smile:

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Happy cake day @Skims

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Happy cake day to you @Skims

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Happy cake day!

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Thank you everyone.

Sort of bittersweet about the anniversary.

6 Years ago was the first of 6 hospitalizations, met my now husband, lost my business, lost a lot of friends and acquaintances…

But I gained a community of sorts here on the forum. So yes, its depressing to still be visiting this site on the daily. I’ve taken a short 2 week break from the forum, but I’m so lonely that I’ve come back. Plus all the emails appearing for my cake day anniversary made me miss my visits here and my fav users.

Update on me: At my part time cashier job for a month and a half now. Its very stressful and overwhelming. I’m so mentally fatigued when I leave that I cry the whole 20 minute car ride home. I haven’t told my husband the toll its taking on me. I have to be to work in 2 hours and I’m doing my best to talk myself into going. It’d be so easy to call in, although it is getting late for that, for them to find a replacement cashier on short notice.

My sleep is up and down. Or rather I’m up and awake, on and off all night. I know that I no longer do well on poor sleep. Wrecks havoc on me.

On the plus side, getting treated for Lyme. Am feeling better and haven’t had the flu-like symptoms since I start antibiotics.

The new health scare is weak eye muscles, not a big deal onto itself will just need new Rx for contact lenses and prism glasses. The ophthalmologist just had to mention the worst case scenario (in my mind) mysthenia gravis yesterday. I do have some other symptoms of that. But i see my PCP towards the end of the month.

So in reading what I just wrote it seems crazy that my husband and I are in talks of having children. Lol, my health is depressing. If I could get and stay healthy for a period before I get any older…

Hmm. something good to tell you… Went to a few al-anon meetings which helped immensely. I need to find a regular meeting to attend. The small additional income of my job feels awesome and doing something productive is a big boost to my self esteem. Christmas was nice. We spent the day at my parents. They were very generous this year.

My car is in working order after a break down 2 weeks ago.

The cats are now healthy, new tick and flea collars for all and dewormed for the next 2 months.

Mr.Skims business is doing better. He has decided to “get more serious” and we are finally on similar mindset about finances. Talks about babies spurred this on.

Guess that is all for now. Peace Out.