Happiness is... (Add your own.)

Pulling the GrandAm GT out of the garage for the first time this year. I changed the oil, filter, and took it for a spin. I found a nice quiet area with no witnesses and exercised the supercharger somewhat. Zoom zoom! :wink:

What did you do today that cheered you up?


Snuck out and shoot a few arrows into a make shift targert. I still got it! :slight_smile: .


would love to do that, always wanted to try archery but

happiness is seeing a friend after a long time, couple of friends from college that i want to meet up with sometime soon hopefully.


It is fun :slight_smile: ! I’ve been shooting a while but had my target taken away. No sir I said I shoot anyway :slight_smile:


use a coke can lol

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Wow, nice car…

Talking to my roommate and his girlfriend. Dinner was good. Had a nice walk. After dinner, I found the cure for
Polio and saved a damsel in distress. The best part of my day was having dinner.

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i am jealous and those wheels on it look amazing too, how’d you get that, you must be loaded lol

It’s my baby. It’s actually the spiritual replacement for my old 1978 Gold Special Edition Pontiac TransAm:

I traded the T/A in on a new Vette back in '88. Dumb. Still crying over that decision. The GrandAm was something I scooped at cost from a friend who souped the hell out of it and then got bored and moved on to a new project. In addition to the supercharger, it has two additional fuel injectors, water/alcohol injection to control prefire, and a custom computer module that runs everything. The tranny was beefed up to handle the additional power.

I don’t drive it often because it’s a speeding ticket waiting to happen. It spends most of its time in the garage and occasionally visits nearby Show n’ Shine events in the summer.

About $7000 used five years ago. The d00d who sold it to me owed me more than a few favours. I basically got the vehicle for the cost of the upgrades he made to it. There are two and four door versions of this car. The two-door is more collectable and appreciates more nicely in value, but the four-door drives the same and can be found dirt cheap used. A good deal for those more concerned with performance than appearance.

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Nice…In 1978 a Trans-Am was about the coolest car you could have at my school. ( not counting porchsas, Lamborginnes, pantera’s etc.). It beat out Mustangs (I think you said you hate Mustangs) Firebirds, Cameros, and the odd classic cars that several kids had.

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It’s not that I hate Mustangs so much as I dislike anything that isn’t Pontiac. I hope Obama burns in Hell for all eternity for keeping Buick and killing Pontiac, the wretch.


my friend Alisons car was bought about 3 months ago and it has depreciated by £5000 already :frowning: such a waste of money and it had a cracked engine block that had to be replaced, i’d much rather she had the money for a car that appreciates but i dont know of any car that gets that over here unless its the Queens or something lol

i had a little project growing up when i was in the car business, morris minor traveller, would have looked good if i finished it

Changing all the bed sheets and blankets to the winter ones. It was a big job!

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Happiness is:


That’s why I refuse to buy new. My latest daily driver is a 1997 Chevy Astro. Paid $800 for it. I expect it to last me about five years and I don’t need to pay for expensive insurance for it.

Happiness is people approaching you to smile at you and say something nice. :flushed:

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you are so lucky over there, the cars over here are rubbish compared to over there and ours seem to be more expensive, my sister bought a second hand car for £2000 and she’s hoping to get a couple of years out of it i think it had done 80000 miles and the suspension is rubbish, everybody just wants to rip you off over here as well which is not good.

i wonder if i could get a good used car from America/Canada and import it thats better and cheaper than what we’d get over here.

Happiness is…
-Feeling good and healthy
-Having a goal and work towards it
-Having good social relationship with others

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@shutterbug Nice ride! But what really has me impressed is your neat and tidy garage. :smile:

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Nice car, I had a 89 Ford Probe stick shift with turbo for about 4 or 5 years. Liked the feeling when the turbo kicked in.

I went swimming today in our newly resurfaced pool at night with the pool light on.