Hallucinating in class

Makes it hard to pay attention.


What were the hallucinations?

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You’re working and taking classes?

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Sorry to hear that moon. I hope you can still get through the class ok.

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Yeah, it’s rough. I was psychotic during my final exam in organic chemistry, didn’t do to well because I couldn’t concentrate.

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Just mild auditory calling my name and saying hey over and over

Yeah I am. Just super part time for each. It doesn’t add up to full time


Sounds distracting. Does it help to really develope a sense of flow in what your doing? Ie your school work

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Yes once I get going it’s fine since I’m in art classes but when the professor is talking I hallucinate a lot

Well im behind you, just dont let them get to you, theyll eventually fade if you ignore them each time. I understand how difficult it is. Other people dont know how lucky they are to not have to put up with voices

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I dissociate at work at times. Floor starts morphing suddenly all the desks feel and look massive or too tiny.
Just strange visuals.

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That’s hard to deal with. I’m impressed by your efforts to work and go to school at the same time even if it only adds up to part time. I couldn’t handle all that stress

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