I think my Haldol is actually causing irritation and aggression in me. I thought it did the opposite. But the longer I take it the shorter my fuse. Or is it unrelated? Anyone else have this experience?
Ap reduce my aggression and anger. Wellbutrin increased these. Maybe its another med or probably bcz its not working well.
I’m on all the same meds for a long time, except Haldol.
How many mg of Haldol do you take?
It could be too low, @Aziz is right.
I take 10 mg at night and that’s it
That’s not a low dose, it could be because it’s a new med and you have to get used to it.
Maybe you can talk to your doctor.
Yeah, I think I’m going to talk to her about it. I’m allowed to take an extra 5 mg in the morning if I need it but I haven’t tried that yet
Yeah haldol was activating for me. I got really amped up. My pdoc said that can happen with haldol
Oh ok. I feel like that’s what is happening but who knows.
I had to come off it in the end. Personally I do better on more sedating APs.
One thing to think about is if your haldol is causing akathisia. That can cause ‘internal agitation’ which can kinda make you feel anxious and tweaked out. Are you on cogentin?
Yes. I take 2mg of cogentin at night, and 1 mg in the morning
For aggression and irratibility is a sign that the med is not working or not working well. Why don’t you go back on your prexious med? Clopixol? They still don’t have it in stock?
They don’t have loxapine in stock yet
I guess you can wait unless you’re physically violent and attacking your surrounding. For me its fighting physically with my brother.
I’m not that aggressive that I would attack someone. It’s more just quick to irritability and attitude
Tell your Dr about it. He may change the Haldol if you weren’t irritable before being on it.
Usually haldol will sedate you, not make you aggressive. Check with your pych doc.
Haldol can make negative symptoms and catatonia worse and it can even cause neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Reason is its a strong dopamine blocker. It might not be the reason for irritation, aggression etc. These things can be bought by several other things like testosterone, high thyroid levels etc.
I met someone the other day (On my mental health course) she feels like punching people and she is on antipsychotics. she did not feel like this before. hopefully your body will readjust to the medication
I hope so too. Im so antsy and easily irritated.