Had a really hard day

I had orientation today. My guy friend messaged me and showed me a car offer for $800. I talked the guy down to $700 but my dad wouldn’t take me to look at the car or send me any money so I could get a ride to see the car and get it if it was nice. His reasoning was it wasn’t worth it. But that’s still not fair. Why do I have to be limited by his judgement all the time? I have so many job possibilities but I am paying from my college refund check to get rides and lyfts places when he could actually help me with transportation. Not even doing that! So my dad ended up not taking me to my orientation at Macys warehouse that I was hired for. So I went, and because I was so flustured I had forgotten my birth certificate as my second proof of ID because my purse got stolen with my social security card in it and all my identification. So I had my driver’s license but not my second form of ID. And I dont have a credit card because they wont approve me because Im not working and I cant get a loan for a car. So I ended up bumming rides all day, and had to reschedule my orientation for thursday. So Now I am stressing because I have spent over $200 on rides back and forth from this place 40 min away and Im so upset my dad hasn’t answered the phone, I want the mail but he has the mail key. Im so upset.


Sounds like there are some issues between you and your dad. Maybe try to sit down with him and hash out an understanding? In any event, I’m sorry you’re having such a rough time. I can feel your tension in your writing. Internet high-five for landing that job though!!


I’m sorry to hear your dad is so unsupportive. That can’t be easy. Any idea why he is being so difficult? You would think he would want to help you as much as possible


He’s not answering the phone. I wanted to talk to him. Its also been two days without mail and now my brother isnt answering…

I’m sorry you have had a really bad day.

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I’m sorry. Do you receive benefits that can help you out while your trying to get a car and job?

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NO I dont get anything!! I am using my refund check I was trying to get a car with it. Its the only way I can get lyfts or rides to even get to work anywhere and there’s limited jobs without transportation.

Im trying not to lose my mind Im completely exhausted with this.

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I’m so sorry! I wish I knew how to fix the problem. Can you apply for benefits?

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A 800 dollar car probably isnt worth 800 dollars meaning its crap and wont run for long

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Yeah well thats my life…

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