Had a great video appointment with my pdoc today

He was really pleased with my progress. He was particularly pleased that I take my neighbours dog out three times a day starting at 9:30am.

I told him I had a couple of real life friends and more phone friends. He said he could appreciate the effort I was putting in.

No significant changes in meds. He said I could try propranolol 10mg prn when I get anxious. Reckon I won’t get this filled until after Xmas though.

Overall a great appointment!


I couldn’t do that. That’s a pretty good sign.

Did you switch to getting your depot every 2 weeks recently?

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Yeah 4 weeks ago. I think it is helping

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That is awesome. Glad your doing well. :baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick:

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Sounds good @Jimbob. It’s cool you take your neighbor’s dog out during the day, and that you have real life friends. I’ve been trying to reconnect with some old friends on facebook, so I’m kinda making progress in that area, too.

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Good to hear matey! Keep on rockin!

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