When you’ve got a fairly big order starting to go down the belt, and someone gets in line behind you with only one or two items…expecting you to wave them through ahead of you.
It happened again today. I just ignored the woman. I mean, the 1-16 item express cash is there for a reason.
Lol! Funny stuff. I hate it when youre in the express line and someone gets in line with like 30 things. Sometimes cashiers can be too chicken to call them out.
My shopping pet peave is people jamming the aisles with carts and then bullshitting with one another and the carts magically form a V shape so you can’t get through.
Oh…and old men taking five minutes to write out a check.
Im normally down as soon as they open to avoid the ques. But the bulk of my shopping i always do an online delivery.
There was one woman that really got on my tits the other day, the little boy was running around - which i dont mind, cos little ones will be like that, but bless him, she couldnt hear him cos she was slurping on a bloody coffee, and everytime he said “pardon me” quite politley - she echoed him in a way that was taking the piss.
Poor little boy. You could see the hurt in his face. Typical chavvy mother that opened her legs at 15 - with the mothering skills of a sewer rat.