Greetings from Argentina. I am new and I introduce myself

Hi, I’m 28 years old. My schizophrenia was diagnosed in mid-2016, before I did not know why my problems.
I have almost no friends and I fear people or rather people do not accept me, I do not know why, but since childhood I have been rejected socially.
A while ago a woman thought I was cute, it seemed that I was finally going to have a girlfriend, but no … my shyness was stronger, I felt less with low self-esteem because she had a perfect life and I just had a boring life.
On the other hand I want to enroll in college, however my terrible addiction to smoking makes it impossible to be in places where smoking is prohibited.
I am a chain smoker I really want to quit smoking but I do not know if it is with cahampix / chantix or electronic cigarette, since the nicotine patches have not affected me.
I have never worked, it does not seem that the employers do not notice my curriculum vitae or do not get along in interviews

I do not know if the unsociability and smoking are the fault of schizophrenia.


You are accepted here. I don’t have many friends either. The nicotine patch did help me to quit smoking.


i smoked cigarettes (no illegal ones) just marlboro for a while too before i got sick for a few years, it affected my mood

i have the same mystery, i wish i never did but as a teenager you see those commercials on telly and movies where people smoke… a big mistake but the good news is i am marlboro free for 10+ years :!


Hey buddy. I knew an Argentinian once. We picked him to play on our team in football (soccer). He was good. I think his parents were Italian.

In regards to nicotine I think a lot of diagnosed folk smoke. On the ward I say at least 90% of folk smoked. Make of that what you will but I don’t think it is the cause of mental illness.


Thank you for introducing yourself. It’s awesome you found this forum. Definitely accepted here.

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Maybe if you can’t quit smoking you can cut back. That would help. I have problems with a terrible caffeine addiction. I finally gave up on coffee and started taking caffeine pills. Don’t worry about not fitting in here. As long as you don’t get violent or abusive you’re accepted here. We’re glad to have you.

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Welcome to the forum! I used to live with an Argentinian, I thought I had married his cousin for visa reasons too because I forgot a whole patch of time in my early twenties and it had been discussed with some seriousness.

I smoke too.

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Hope you will enjoy the forum .:blush:


Champix was great for me. It really worked. Can make your sick in the stomach early but if you get through that it can work really well. You need to smoke like an sob early then just stop!

By the way. Welcome! Lots of nice folk around here…stay and play!


welcome! i’m in love with buenos aires although i never visited the city.
but i saw some movies happening there and once i spent hours watching it on google maps… :smiley:

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Welcome here, I smoke every 30 minutes too,

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Welcome, you’re more than accepted here. I hope you make friends and have good talks. I battled quoting smoking too. I’ve been using a vape/e cigarette and it helps more than patches did

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Welcome home!
Yea social problems and smoking are very common in schizophrenics.

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@user89 im in the same boat…I have no friends but we’re all friends here on the forum…welcome


Yes, @user89, we welcome you here. Please come to the forum on a regular basis. We love you.


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