Green shakes

This past year my health has taken a toll, I’ve gained weight (I’m up to 220lbs now) and I’m constantly in pain.

I’m trying to be more healthy and one thing I’m trying is green shakes! Anyone down to try them with me? XD

They’re Pretty good👍


This ones got lots of :green_salad:, :tomato: , :grapes: and :strawberry: and 🫐

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Oh wow its got all that? It kinda looks like the stuff that comes out a lawnmover lol

I bet its super healthy tho, good luck on the journey man


Hahahah you know what’s funny, I worked on a farm once and they feed cows this stuff called uhh, sellage or something I forgot. It’s fermented grass (lawn mower clippings haha) and actually…. It smells quiet good. Idk maybe I’m a cow :cow2:

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I like the smell of lawn trimmings haha reminds me of my childhood playing outside

Must have been cool working on a farm, or terrible depending on your role lol

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Lol it was alright man I was staying at a monastery as a guest and I got to help out doing the farm work to help out. It was the best time of my life


Thats cool man! Do you think youd ever wanna do that full time?

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I would love to idk how to tho tbh but I am trying

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Hmm wouldnt know never had a job like that

Maybe theres websites for it? Im not sure how they find hired hands, maybe they recruit locally

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Lol I think they do most of their own work. I was homeless at the time and they let me stay with them until I could get home. If it was up to me I would have stayed though. It’s so peaceful

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Update: feeling much better and healthier after drinking it wow would recommend 100%

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