I had a doctors appointment today and afterward I went to the cafeteria at the hospital across the street. I’ve been there once or twice but I got lost so I was wandering around asking people which way to go. Most of them were friendly.
I thought I found it so I tried to go in the automatic glass doors but they were the doors to get out. I happen to glance inside and some young woman was signaling me trying to get my attention. She pointed out the right doors to get in and when I got in I was in the wrong place again so that woman looked friendly and I walked over to ask her if she knew where the cafeteria was.
And man, she was a knockout! About 30 years old wearing a dress. I think she was half-black and it made her look exotic. But yeah, she was explaining the directions (which I wasn’t understanding) and she had a huge smile and we got a little rapport going. And the way she was sitting I see she had great legs.
So we’re getting married the first week of June. I’m just kidding—it will be the second week. No, no, no. that was just in my head. But she seemed really nice and after she made sure I finally understood I smiled and left. Today was just one of those days where I felt pretty good and people seemed so friendly and helpful.
You’re right. But the woman today was about 30 and I’m 58. But yeah, I used to put out more effort to meet women and possibly go out. Now I’m just satisfied with talking and being around them and checking them out and I find I can even flirt a little and they take it good. But you’re right, a cup of coffee and conversation would be fun.
When in the hospital I was thinking about religion,( heaven and hell stuff), and felt like I was in a computer game, with tests or like things I was supposed to do.
Under this cloud, I helped a beautiful girl who refused to shower and was being reprimanded. The lack of earthly motives made me soar in this instance. I ‘woke up’ a few days later and didn’t even provide her a proper good bye. My mom being there might not have helped. Regrettable but maybe I learned things about life etc.
Only two aspects from the convo can I still recall. I remember she was a Latin woman and I was speaking at length and I asked her flat out If she spoke English eventually in a pure hearted way.
Also I gave her my bar of soap brought by my folks, which I mistakenly thought smelled like ‘paste’ from kindergarten.
I think she showered and caught respect from the nurse, I felt good anyway.
And I bet that gorgeous lady is on Facebook right now, posting about how she gave directions to some old dumbass old enough to be her father…who kept up a goofy smile and googly eyes when she was trying to give some serious help.
I had her swooning over me. You would have been drooling too young dumbass, lol. And she was smiling too and I wasn’t smiling the whole time. Besides, what’s wrong with a little fame?
Good on you. It’s nice to have some attention from the opposite sex no less a knockout. It’s tough to have sz and be on the lookout for chemistry. But glad you had a good day.
There was this beautiful woman I met at work who talked to me at lunch on a frequent basis. But little problems like me living with my Mom, making little money, having no car kept it from being any more than a friendship. Yeah. Been there. Done that. Nice that it happened but pretty meaningless now.