As someone who grew up in a messsed up family who you can’t say is messed up unless you want dirt kicked over you in the end, but then I guess we all get that in some way or another in the end. I guess it comes down to reputation, how much does that mean to you because you’ll be smeared for the slightest slight apparently. Little people you understand in the grand picture.
I just…I walked away from the sort of scene where you had to be a tough guy or risk an awkward and uncomfortable moment. Found eventually a group who I could be myself around, was pulled out of a drunken stupor in a mud puddle and pulled right out of my emotional coma and into love again. But why? Why can’t we speak of things such as feelings? I once early on realized if this were okay growing up I would be…okay. I was someone who felt strongly and needed to talk things out in a family where this was not okay. You could be yourself you little annoying ■■■■■■■ but feel something, anything, especially good about yourself and it was death to you’re ego permanently.
I don’t know. My sister was bron into the wrong family as well but can’t having a kid and a police record but rely on them. I, being somone who loses their self and mind out there in the big cruel desperate world can’t but rely on them either. My brother? Nope. Took off like a rocket, given the fuel of course.
Just I don’t know, bitch about you’re cricumstances here or about the above topic, love, which I only knew in my 20’s (I found it in my teens) after the fact as in I nearly died missing who I walked away from.
I don’t know…here’s me.
I say how is this used in any way for the good of us and I hear back it’s not and to that I ask then what is the point to which I am told there isn’t one it’s just the way the world is.
Thank you. This came from your heart. It was a pleasure to read. I don’t know you, but with a little or a lot of guesswork, I’m going to ask a question. Do you still want your feelings?
Btw, I didn’t realize this was a Beatles song. I thought George Harrison did it with The Traveling Wilbury’s, the group he formed after the Beatles broke up. I know for a fact they did “Handle with Care” The Traveling Wilbury’s, that is. Give it a try. It’s a good song.
Yes, it’s a Beatles song with John Lennon singing lead. The song supposedly is directed at Brian Wilson the Beatles first manager who played a big part in the Beatles success. Wilson was a homosexual in a time when it was not safe to be “out”. It is well known that Brian was attracted to John Lennon but this song is Lennon’s way of saying, "Cool it, Brian, it can never happen.
Mercury was gay, but his music was for everyone. I like Queen, and Brian May is a very good guitarist. If Brian Wilson was gay or not is a personal detail.
I’ve been aware of the traveling Willbury’s for ages but for most of it only knew that one song…“end of the line”. It reminds me of driving over the highrise bridge mid summer with my friend who was this total tough guy who drove this ancient volvo and had always confided in me. Said this was his favorite song, he’d said that around the crew he’d never live it down, but he knew I understood, appreciated, didn’t judge and kept my mouth shut.
“Do I still want my feelings?”
I don’t know, depends on what you mean really. Do I often wish to feel numb and feel nothing? Yeah sure. Do I want to be someone who has no ability to feel anything? No not really. My question is why do you ask?