Well I have sleep apnea. The doctor’s gonna order it from some company that’s gonna call me monday
Well at least you got it figured out. Hope you will sleep better on it.
Hopefully the CPAP machine will help you. Best wishes.
@GrayBear yeah they asked if they put the order in will I use it. I said yeah
@ThePickinSkunk thanks I’m kind of nervous
Good luck with everything @cbbrown.
I just don’t know what kind of mask I’m getting. They named two or three different kinds but I couldn’t imagine what they looked like
I thought they offered to fit you first with a mask before ordering? But I’m no expert on sleep apnea. I just know from what I read in the past.
All I know is the company is calling me monday and they are suppose to send out the machine. Maybe they need to fit for the more advanced masks…i have no idea. The nurse wasn’t too specific. I’m just worried I won’t be able to fall asleep with the machine or I fear kill the romance if you get my drift. I haven’t told my partner yet
You get used to sleeping with the mask. It’s awkward at first.
It is awkward at first, but it doesn’t take long at all to get used to the mask. I wear a full face mask that covers my nose and mouth, but some masks only cover your nose. I didn’t know how that’d work out if my nose was stuffy so I got the full face one. Others say those are too big. Your respiratory therapist should help you work all that out. Good luck!
inconvenient romance killer no
I mean, I think death is a pretty big romance killer as well, so I imagine your partner will quickly become accustomed to the mask.
I’m glad that they diagnosed you and I hope you’re going to have more restful nights from now on.
I just don’t know when I’m getting the call for the machine though. All they said was maybe Monday.
I’ve been looking into cpap machine care and cleaning. Just to familiarize
Myself with it. I know you can get sick if it isn’t cleaned right
Good to see you around.
Hope things go well with your new machine.
I hope it works for you! I’m not having the greatest time getting used to it but I know many others who have great success.
I keep seeing this commercial for an automated CPAP cleaner, but it’s pretty expensive (like $300). I think it’s called so clean.
I saw that too. I think I have it figured out though
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