Got invited to hang out

yea i think constantly hearing negative hallucinations have damaged my confidence lol i can hang out with friends but id rather be at home alone

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Yes, I generally prefer not to. Especially those I have little in common with like co-workers (I get paid to work with them, don’t want to hang with them later).

I will make exceptions for those who share my interests (photography, archery, amateur broadcasting, cooking, hiking, etc.). I will also make an exception for AA as a certain amount of fellowship there is necessary for maintaining my sobriety.

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I haven’t hung out with any non-family members since college (2012). I just prefer to be on my own, and have no interest in relationships, whether they be friendly or romantic. My social anxiety is crippling when I’m around people, even family. But most of my family know my condition, so I don’t feel as bad being socially anxious around them.

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I was at a birthday party recently with a bunch of “neurotypicals” . It was hard, harder than being with my odd friends out.

You should try it, it might be healthy.

Try to think of the worst thing that could happen, and then be aware that it is probably not going to happen and if it does, no one would notice but yourself.

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Maybe with time your social anxiety will get better but there are also meds for it. I had a friend who was on Citalopram for social phobia.


as long as I know a few people it’s o k to go to a crowd like parties or family events…love people…still recovered and have zero anxiety from a debiltating panic disorder I used to have.

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I use to have social phobia too, but I’ve mostly gotten over it. I just don’t really care that much anymore :stuck_out_tongue:. My biggest problem in social situation is not the fear or anything, it’s that I just don’t have much to say.

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