Got hit by remnants of hurricane ida

Here in the north east we had tons of rain, wind, thunder, lightning and tornadoes. Was pretty bad but probably no where near as bad as New Orleans. Crazy Mother Nature. Feel her wrath!!

9 people died in NJ/NY

so many hurricanes these years,

do you think this is due to climate change?

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All I’ll say is the weather is unprecedented. Was hot all summer. Then September 1st it becomes fall like a light switch.

It’ll be winter soon. Anticipating a lot of snow this winter. But I could be wrong.

The weather seems to go to extremes.

No more gradually changing weather. Just crazy extremes

That’s my opinion.


Supposedly Connecticut hasn’t hit direct on by a hurricane since 1985

I heard storrs, Connecticut which I’m pretty far from is the #1 city most likely to avoid natural disasters. Can’t remember if nationwide or international

But Connecticut aside from the risk of tidal waves in the south is pretty protected from natural disaster. Typically

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I’ve spent a lot of time in Florida with my dad when I was growing up and I don’t recall even one hurricane,
but then when I was older, New Smyrna Beach got hit hard.
my dad stuck it out, he had large shielding
on his deck glass door.
the shoreline was never the same.

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My parents go to Naples Florida a lot.

Gets hit by a bad one at least every 5 years now it seems

and even here in Iowa,
last year a Derecho hit us,
an inland hurricane,

that Never happens.
I lost my apple tree.

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Yeah we aren’t exactly known for our tornadoes here either. But last night damn.

@Wave please check in make it so we’re sure you’re alright :wink:


do you guys have power,

and is there flooding?

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There was a flood warning. It said don’t leave your house it’s life threatening flooding conditions!!! But it’s not bad now.

We might have lost power but we got a generator after hurricane sandy. So if we did it was only for a split second

I ordered pizza last night not realizing it was raining. Was happy that I left an $8 tip. Especially considering the storm

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ha, yeah, that was appropriate, the tip.

during and after Derecho here, my parents lost power
for 10 days, they were basically camping in their backyard.
and the energy company didn’t even give em a discount.

me and Phil only lost it for 24 hours.

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We’re safe here @Jonnybegood
I was going to tag you.

Our state got hit hard, I know that your area got hit hard too @Jonnybegood.

Just glad we’re ok.


I don’t know what to make of it either. It seems like everyone is confused. :joy::rofl:

It’s not hard to explain as the storm regenerated after the tropical low merged with a continental low but it was amazing just the same.

We could be storm chasers.

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