Got cramp today - think it was the vaccine

Am a little bit achey and getting cramp in my lower legs


Which vaccine did you get again?

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The AstraZeneca one. Tbh I am feeling a little bit flu like today but they said this is normal


i hope it passes soon…


I hope you feel better soon

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Feeling pretty crappy right now. Just feel a bit ill. Dizzy and achey. I was informed all of this could happen

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i hope it gets better soon… sucks that you feel sicky =(

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Thanks for the kind wishes. I appreciate them

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I had similar flu-like ache and chills @anon94176359 with the AstraZeneca. It went after a few days.

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That is reassuring to hear. Thanks!

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That’s your body’s immune system responding to the vaccine. This is to be expected and is actually a good thing.

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Here in the US, still waiting for vaccine for the general public. I hope I get it soon.

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Have a temperature 38 degrees C. Up from 37.7 half an hour earlier

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I will be honest this is the hardest vaccine I have ever had to endure. I got the flu vaccine in January and it was a walk in the park compared to this

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Side effects of the coronavirus vaccines | The coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine This says a temp above 37.8 degrees C is normal for this vaccine. Phew!

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I’m just worried because I found out the family 2 doors down all got COVID last month. But I wasn’t anywhere near them then. They totally isolated like they were supposed to

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Man am I glad I got a pulse oximeter and an IR thermometer

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Ok final update! I promise.

I feel a whole lot better now. The fever and chills have subsided. Aches and pains gone. Feel great.

My body must have initiated a strong immune response to the vaccine. This is a good thing.

So all in all glad I got the jab. Felt flu-like for two days after but fine now.

Apologies if when I was ranting I might have sounded anti-vaccine. This was not my intention. I was just taken aback by the intensity of the side effects. But like I say this is a good thing


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