Got another interview

I quit my job on the first day, the recruitment consutlatnt at the agency said she didn’t know the job entailed reception 9-5, if she had known she woudl not have sent me there… so I am back to square one and she’s still helping me look for work. Got an interview lined up tomororw.


Good luck woohoo :slight_smile:

Remember don’t let anyone pressure you to do something you feel you can’t do

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The pay is much less but from the job spec it loooks like I would be much happier…


Good luck @anon25873142 1515

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good luck with the new interview!

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I hope you get the job you’re interviewing for. I’m glad you spoke up as soon as you knew it wasn’t right for you

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Workers have power over employers right now and I hope you get the job you want and treated well.


High pay doesn’t always equal job satisfaction.
I could work a higher paying job but it would be too stressful and exhausting.
So I choose a middle ground where I make enough to not be hurting for cash and It is low stress.
Then if I have bad mental health days I can still pull it off


Businesses better treat you well now cause anyone can and everyone is walking away cause of the labor shortage.


Yeah im treated very well. I picked out a new high quality chair and they bought it for me lol. And they don’t care if I learn other stuff at work as long as I get my work done. It’s great. Very relaxed atmosphere


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