Got about one month to get through

If I can get through one more month of this hot weather things will start to get better. I don’t know if it’s because of my weight or just my tolerance for being uncomfortable but I just have been really struggling with the heat. And I have ac so for the most part I’ve been sheltered from it. I try to do my laundry really early to avoid the heat, I go down and check the mail at night. I do go out in the heat multiple times a day to smoke but that’s only for a few minutes and then right back into the ac. September is right around the corner and then I can start complaining about how cold it is lol.


I do find that the more weight I have on my body, the harder it gets for me in hot hot weather, exponentially.

It is just really bothersome.

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yea, and I’m weighing in at 240 damn near right now

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Yeah the heat really gets to me too leafy. In fact the stress of it make sz symptoms worse

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I was wondering, because I’ve had a slight uptick in symptoms and no real other stressors.

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