Got a new membership card

I belong to my local association for mentally ill people and each member of these local associations gets their membership card sent to them by the central union of mentally ill people. Using this card there are many benefits such as cheaper hotel rates and trips. There are approximately 18000 members in these local associations and this central union tries to influence matters in the whole society for the benefit of all mentally ill people. Do you have anything similar in your society / country?


Nah, in Portugal theres nothing like that. There aren’t hardly any benefits besides free medical care and free hospitalizations. There’s one association that works with the mentally will towards best recovery outcomes though in Lisbon, where I live, I heard it’s good but never been there, it’s a little far from my home.

In Scotland, depending on what rate of benefits you get, you get a free bus pass. There is also things like cheaper admission into movies for carers.

I’m gonna call a social worker right now. :+1:

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As far as I know, in the US we don’t have that kind of benefit.

I had my regular psych meeting today, went ok, I like these psych meetings because there I can talk about things I do not discuss here or anywhere.

I was just on the phone with the social worker and she said I could get benefits. I have to talk to my doc soon. I didn’t ask for a card though, I’ll ask that to my doc also.

what are psych meetings? I’ve never been to any. I’m starting therapy in fall. what do you mean you can not discuss them here, is there a reason>

Psych meetings are like therapy sessions, often I discuss very private matters during these meetings, matters I do not write here, I have gone to these meetings for many years and I view these very positively, my psych clinic and psych ward are very close to me, just 300 meters and so it is easy to go there. I like these meetings.

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