Google says 'beauty' filters are bad for your mental health, Pixel cameras


They definitely contribute to body dysmorphia, I can’t and refuse to use them as I feel they are very damaging for my own self esteem


I just mess with cartoon ones when talking to my friends, idk if that’s bad but I only do it like 10% of the time.

I feel the funny ones are fine. The ones that are an issue for me are the ones that are “beauty” focused, blurred perfect skin, big lips & eyes, ultimately ones that are a unattainable standard of beauty! I wanna love my face for what it is lol

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One of the reasons I stopped doing wedding photography was that the brides were getting increasingly strident about retouching. No pimples. Porcelain doll skin (it looks like a cadaver with mortician’s makeup to me). Expecting to have face reshaped, body reshaped, etc. I like to tell the story of the day involving real people, not a work of fiction about a supermodel getting married. I can see maybe removing that one zit you get on the wedding day, but a complete Photoshop makeover? On EVERY image? Arse off!

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