Would appreciate some good thoughts. In the hospital with pneumonia. They have tested me for covid because they think I have both. Results will come tomorrow. I am on the covid floor for now. Fluid in my lungs and difficulty breathing with a very high heart rate. I’m just nervous it will get worse because I am high risk. I need some laughter right now. Send me some funny memes about anything.
The hospital can be a cold place. But you are not alone. As long as you draw breath, you are still full of life and vitality. Use every moment to the max. Reach out to friends and family. Take comfort in the things you enjoy – music, books, jokes. Just remember, you’re going to be alright. If you get lonely or scared, someone will be here–I’ll be here.
Oh man, I’m sorry @anon78876561.
Sending out positive thoughts!
I hope you feel better soon @anon78876561!!!
Check out the meme thread.
Wow @anon78876561, that’s seriously scary, I hope you get the best treatment possible. Sending you good wishes and hope for a full recovery.
I got a working idea for a brilliant joke but can’t get past “A janitor walks into a bar” or “Why did the janitor cross the road?” Drawing a blank.
But I know your loved ones are seriously worried about you and would do anything for you. I wish you well and keep us posted.
Thank you everyone. It’s been rough because the whole hospital isn’t allowing visitors, so I can’t see my family at all. I feel alone.
Have you got enough data and recharge cable?
Oh no!
If it gives you a good chuckle I’m wearing old school flip flops with a rainbow sole on them today.
The real tough guys wear these. Trust me.
Take care, and please keep us posted.
Here’s another one for you @anon78876561
LOL You have some of the best memes, @everhopeful.
Are you able to keep your phone charged so you can text family? Are you sleeping at all?
In 2017, I walked around my neighborhood and saw this bunny in someone’s front yard. I took pics of it. The next day, the bunny had escaped. It is 2020 and I still have those pics though. Hoping you are in good hands with the medical team there!
i didn’t have a meme, but this bunny is kinda cute