This is not a COVID post, but it is related. The current lockdown has cut air pollution and CO2 emissions substantially which is good news. From a solipsistic point of view I am wondering what I want to see next. I have been studying health economics, and now I am observing it in action. In China there was a net increase in lives saved owing to the decrease in deaths due to air pollution. Health economics is about maximising QUALYs or Quality Adjusted Life Years. Factoring in the environment, we are actually now doing better in terms of life years in some countries, as the Chinese example illustrates, but whether the quality of life adjustment makes it better with the inconvenience of the lockdown remains to be determined. For me nothing much has changed with my life except that now I can’t see my friends. Again, from a solipsistic point of view, I am wondering what I really want, to see the lockdown continue, or not. Obviously, I would like to see COVID defeated, but I’d also like to see the air remain better with less CO2 and pollution. Also there is the improvements in the benefit system for those out of work which I’d like to see continue. COVID will pass, but will the positive things that have come out of this turn of events pass too? Thank you.
70 percent of current deaths from coronavirus
are black people. Poverty, underlying coronary conditions,
and urban dwelling.
environment needs to be fought for just like any other social issue.
Where you read 70% of those dying from corona are black? That’s not possible.
I heard it on NPR this morning.
It’s reliable.
I couldn’t find it on their website.
It was an interview, may not be an article on there.
Ok its not worldwide, only one state.
The statistics are for the state of Louisiana. However, the second article indicates the same trend is true in not just Louisiana but also in some urban areas in other states (e.g., Chicago and Milwaukee).
It is very concerning. They’re just talking about this on CNN with the Mayor of Washington D.C. where they are also seeing a disproportionate number of African Americans impacted by COVID-19. The mayor said she thinks part of the reason for this is that African Americans have a higher rate of underlying health conditions that could be a factor.
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